All right. So that might be a bit of an exaggeration.
Any college student can tell you that midterms and finals can be stressful. However, if you follow a few essential tips, you'll make it through your midterms with no problem.
1. Get Comfortable
If at all possible, find one secluded and moderately comfortable spot to study and stay there. I'm not saying to chain yourself to your desk, but make sure that you create or find an area that you are comfortable staying in for long amounts of time. Some people prefer the library for studying, but that scholarly atmosphere has always made me (personally) feel nervous. I prefer to study in my room with the door closed so I can keep distractions (including my roommate) at bay while still being in the comfort of my own home.
2. Find someone to cook for you.
This one IS a joke, but the idea is the same: don't waste time on food preparation. If you're anything like me, you'll start out intending to make easy ramen and somehow wind up finishing up the last touches on a three-course meal four hours later. If you have meal points, make use of them at this point and go buy ready-made food so you can have a quick bite before getting back to studying. Or, just have a friend cook dinner for you. This tip has the Sarah Seal of Approval.

3. Get a study buddy!
Sometimes it can be hard to take in everything that you need to know on your own. If you know someone in your class, get together with them and have a study session! Quiz each other and enjoy some human interaction while you work. Or, have a stuffed animal to squeeze. They're good for letting out the pent-up frustration.

Sometimes you just need to stop and vent before you can keep going. If you find yourself getting frustrated or upset, step away from the books and LET IT OUT. Go for a run, play a quick round of Halo or cry into your pillow. Get rid of the bad feelings, or they'll get in the way of your studies.

5. Don't Forget Your Other Responsibilities!
It is true that midterms and finals can be time-consuming and make one forget about any other responsibilities, but don't fall into this trap! Be sure to keep up on homework, attend meetings for the extracurricular activities you participate in, feed your fish and go to class! If you begin to skip classes to study for other classes, you've got a problem. Be sure to try and keep a balanced lifestyle WHILE focusing on that ever important exam.

Above all, just remember that this too shall pass. Do the best that you can. After all, that's all you CAN do! Hang in there, keep your focus in the right place and you'll be just fine!
Now I just have to follow my own advice!
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